we finally decided on the color for our wedding invitations- they're going to be pink; pale pink to be exactly.
besides shopping for invitations we haven't done that much today. and as always when i'm bored i tend to take pointless pictures, like the ones above. so now you know that elvis and a green squid are living side by side in my kitchen.
and *drummroll* good news- amalie has returned from japan after one long month which felt like forever. so head over to her blog and say hi.
i can't wait for all her pix and to see what cute kitsch she might has bought this time.
i would love to have a penpal from tokyo who provides me with those kind of cute crap like stickers and such. *sigh*
so, welcome home amalie, don't let copenhagen get on your nerves!!
oh and hellooooo to my first follower! i hope you enjoy your stay.
this beeing said, it's time for me to go to bed finally; the beau is snoozing on the couch for like 2 hours now or so. time to switch to bed.
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